Wednesday, November 20, 2019

English Literature essay Buddha of Suburbia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

English Literature Buddha of Suburbia - Essay Example The paper is aimed to analyse the different issues that the said literary work discussed with the focus on the view of class hierarchy and popular culture. To be able to achieve the main objective, it is important to include pertinent issues such as the point of view and background of the author, the content and plot of the book and the interpretation of the different concept tackled. The discussion on the socio-political issues specifically the class hierarchy and popular culture then follows. The Buddha of Suburbia is debut novel of Hanif Kureishi which was first published in 1990. It is a recognized literary work that tackles the cultural issues related to races, classes and popular culture. The plot tells a story of Karim Amir and the issues, adventures and hardships encountered by a person with biracial origin in contemporary Britain, specifically the 70’s.1 Although the said situation is presently considered common in the rise of the one nation view, biracial heritage in the time when the book was written is an important topic, even considered as an advanced issue to discuss for its time.2 This issue can also be related to the different socio-cultural issues that are touched and tapped by the literary piece. Basically, there are issues simultaneously presented by the book through the life of the main character. These includes the British culture in London during the time, the language, the diversity of culture and the convergence of different traditions and practices that can lead both ways, either good or bad. It is also the time wherein cultural equality in the country is such a necessity, that even the government is struggling to be able to appease the people.3 Like any other teenager, Karim wanted to escape from the life he has with his family in the suburban area in the south of London. He is dreaming to take his chance in the city. But the reputation of his father and the respect that he has

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