Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Bigraphy on Michael Jordan essays

Bigraphy on Michael Jordan essays I recently read a biography on Michael Jordan by Mitchell Krugel. This book gives out accurate info on Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan know as the best player in the NBA recently. He retired with no specific reason. He was a phenomenal superstar with many extraordinary abilities. He was the most recognizable athlete in the world , not only the top player of his era, but was possibly the best player ever to wear the uniform of an NBA It all started as a young boy in North Carolina where he was born and raised by his parents. Michael Jordan grew up dreaming of being a sports star and with the love of sports in his heart. He grew up playing baseball when he was young. He was the MVP for his team when they won the championship. When he was in Junior High School he began to play basketball. He got a love for this game that persuaded him to practice hard and give it all he had. He practiced by playing with his big brother. His brother, with his height advantage, beat him majority of the time. And Michael with his competitiveness and the hate of being the loser tried even harder. He tried to make himself taller any way he could, one time he even went to some Monkey bars hung on them trying to stretch himself. Maybe it worked because he was short. When Michael attended Laney High School, he tried out for the Varsity basketball team. When he found out he didnt make it, he went running to his house, ran straight to his room and started crying. He kept on practicing and begging the coach to put him on the team but sadly the coach told him just to try out again next year. After practicing hard, Michael had experienced his first dunk as a freshmen in Highschool. When I finally became known as an outstanding high school player, I was known as a guard because I was 6-foot-6, Michael recalled. I didnt have the body of a forward, and I did have the skills of a guard beca...

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