Monday, October 7, 2019

Analyse the competitiveness of Danish manufacturing Coursework - 1

Analyse the competitiveness of Danish manufacturing - Coursework Example cks here according to research is that regardless of what is measured by production, total employment and value added, the manufacturing industry have portrayed a declining importance. Cluster is taken positively by the Danish, since it is termed as a competitive advantage of nations. Here, Clusters got a prominent role due to the theory of competitive advantage of nations first witnessed in the year 1990. With its strategy, that involves a geographical interconnection of companies, service providers and specialized suppliers and organizations in industries that are related and associated it can be noted that clustering strategy have made the country to move at per, with other European countries in terms of production(Daugherty, 2009.p.75). Clustering channel is better explained by the following diagram. The industrial production is divided into hundred main components. The first one, accounts for the highest output in the country, and that was in the year 2011 which accounted for 74 percent. While, mineral fuel accounts for sixteen percent while all the mechanicals, boilers and machinery accounts for almost ten percent (Daugherty, 2009.p.102). They all cluster to give out a whole 100%. The comparison of 2000 and 2011 years, illustrates that the country faced subsidized electrical production equipment. From the manufacturing side to the purchasing side, the clustering in production of this equipment was studied as deeming. This is why; the whole Denmark affirms that the electrical part portrayed a downing advantage (Hadjilambrinos,

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