Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Air Pollution in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air Pollution in the USA - Essay Example Air pollution is a very important topic for discussion and research since air itself is required for every creature and living thing on the surface of the planet. Not only on land but also in water since air pollution has an effect on the level of contaminants in the sea as well. Undoubtedly, air pollution levels have been rising in the recent past and the overall blame for that is given to human activity and the industrial and commercial ventures of civilization as a whole. While the effects of air pollution on the environment are often disastrous and not easily reversible, the central issue with air pollution concerns itself more with the quality of life on the planet. Since human beings are the predominant creators of air pollution and they are also the life form which objects violently to air pollution, the solution for the problem also has to come from them. There are several ways and means which are currently being utilized to prevent air pollution from becoming a mammoth problem and some of those are discussed in this paper. Method The research for this paper was conducted in the library and various electronic and manual sources were utilized to locate the information which is connected with air pollution, its effect on the environment and the means by which it can be prevented. After a quick reading of collected materials, five sources were selected for detailed examination with which the ideas and constructs presented in the paper were eventually formed. The results from the research clearly show that the largest and most significant causes of air pollution are the industrial and commercial activities of humans.

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