Monday, September 9, 2019

Franco Prussian War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Franco Prussian War - Essay Example Historians attribute various causes to this war. First, Bismarck, a Prussian prime minister had a great vision of a unified Germany, which he planned. To him, a provoked war with France will bring about the unity between the North protestant states and the Southern Germans Catholics who were divided by culture and belief but had a common enemy the France. Secondly, the war was about revenge by Napoleon III who wanted to recover what was lost by his lineage after the defeat of Napoleon I and humiliate Prussia (History World international Web). In my view, this war was necessary. We get to see the great leaders of old who could not solve issues via great speeches but through the blood and Iron fist. Different governments can learn from this war that happened many years ago of some tactics of unifying their states to gain power and prestige. I think it is possible to do a comparison between the primitive leadership of the 1800 and that of the 20th century, which is advanced. In the issues of morality and ethics, this war has a great teaching not to revenge. Napoleon III had it rough as he tried to revenge a thing that led to the fall of the second French empire and capturing of its two

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