Monday, September 23, 2013


Ashley Azbell Mrs. Kirk-Hull English 1010 10 October 2012 posttraumatic stress disorder Post traumatic Stress pain is a stress related disquiet psychiatric complaint that affects many people. For example, children who friendship material or sexual abuse, adolescents who watcher drive-by shootings, adults who live by dint of natural disasters or soldiers that aim seen storm may be diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. There is no typical demographic for a person diagnosed with this disorder. According to research, An estimated 7.8 per centum of Ameri smokes will experience PTSD at some block in their lives, and around 3.6 percent of U.S. adults aged 18 to 54 (5.2 million people) engender PTSD during the course of a inclined year.(pubmedhealth) PTSD is a disorder that has many faces and affects on the human being body, it is caused by wo and or after seeing or passage through something horrible, and although hard to treat over time can be managed with therapy and anti stress medication. Someone who has gone through a traumatic experience is defined as, The person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an outlet where there was the threat of or actual finis or serious injury. The until nowt may also stand k nonted a threat to the persons physical well- beingness or the physical well-being of another person. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The person responded to the event with fast feelings of fear, weakness or horror. (Tull) Small children have been diagnosed with PTSD along with adults. In some cases people can have PTSD in a dormant stage after a traumatic event as a child that doesnt array signs unti l the persons are older. Symptoms of PTSD i! nclude but are not limited to nightmares, flashbacks, physical sensations such as caustic flashes, intent sensations, or pounding face muscles ect. when thinking of the event. They may have trouble trusting people or even being around them. They can loose interest in conduct and in extreme cases have thoughts of suicide. In result PTSD is life threatening and people who have signs of PTSD, or people...If you expect to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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