Friday, September 20, 2013

Technology Makes Us Transparent

The general reason for technological innovation is to improve our life. retributive along with the improvement there are sometimes drawbacks. For character, it toilet make us uncovered to the whole world exclusively exposure of non shareable information force out be destroy for an idiosyncratic or a group. Thomas L. Friedman claims that we are altogether more Transparent now in this Transparent human (221). I absolutely agree with the author. The more technology improves the more exposed and visible we are to the whole world. It is very lenient to set off or share any information some others. so it is rather easy to learn about others as sound. So it is vital that we keep ourselves aware of our actions thus far more. This transparency can ca recitation harm to someone or do the opposite. match to Thomas L. Friedman Before employers even pronounce their resumes, theyll Google them out (220). scene to internet can diffuse flight opportunities. An exa mple would be quantity Owen, who is a professional electronic computing device Case Modder. Bill was able to publicize his talent of customizing computer nerves and part separate by dint of and through the use of forums, blogs, videos uploaded to YouTube etc. As a end point intelligence of his online store grew and popular online re switchers such as started to divvy up computer parts that are customized by him. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Cooler soften a popular brand name computer case manufacturer displayed their flagship models custom painted by Bill Owen in technology show. Exposure through technology helped Bill Owen to flourish hi s business and build up reputation. ! Publicity and exposure through media can also be unpleasant experience for some. For example Karen Owen, She is a Duke University graduate student who composed a 42 page power point mock thesis existence on more than a dozen men she dated. In this presentation, Karen Owen showed thirteen Duke Athletes sexual performance review as hale as full details. She sent this to three of her friends. It was meant to be a private joke...If you want to get a full essay, cardinal it on our website:

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