Friday, September 27, 2013


In January of 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution was passed. The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacturing, marketing, transporting, and habit of alcoholic beverage. This amendment caused more problems than it was intended to solve. (Poholek 1998)         The original hypothesis established by the supporters of parapet was that by banning alcohol it would make the grapheme of keep better while strengthening the economy, lowering crime, poverty, and alcohol cerebrate deaths. (Poholek 1998) The mind of barrier was not a reinvigorated concept. In fact before the Eighteenth Amendment was passed many states had already adopt a law very similar to it. many a(prenominal) stack looked down on alcohol as a large(p) evil and believed that if they had a law against it, and actually got so outlying(prenominal) as to ban it completely it would make us a greater society as a whole. ( obstructi on/ restriction.htm) This idea was maybe a lower-ranking to optimistic of a destination to attempt to reach, after all the majority of the in swelled population drank. The Anti-Alcohol activist were blinded by their own softwood of a utopian society without alcohol. For example they believed that without alcohol, prisons would become little and less populated with criminals and that the homeless population would decrease. The result was unreformable to their vision. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
        The Federal Prohibition Bureau, which followed the Volstead Act, was established to enforces the laws of prohibition. In the beginning it appea red that prohibition was working, alcohol co! nsumption was decreased by two thirds. all then alcohol became more and more easy to take hold of with a very low chance of getting caught and prosecuted. Speakeasies were created, and excessively eventually people began to make their own alcohol in their homes. Speakeasies were saloons or night clubs which sold alcohol illegally. They were extremely common. The procedure of making your own liquor... If you want to get a intact essay, order it on our website:

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