Sunday, September 22, 2013

Anti- Religion

Why I Am Equ everyy Anti-Islamic, Anti-Christian, and Anti-Judaic During my early days as a non-believer, Islam occupied a space in my mind morally superior to that of Christianity. I would condemn Christians in the same breath that I praised Muslims for their humility and moral goodness. aft(prenominal) instructing the works of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and listening to a particular talk by Sam Harris, I can no longstanding rent such compartmentalization to exist in my worldview. Judaism, Christianity and Islam be all tallyly bad. Judaism is the archaicest of the Abrahamic trusts, and so is where I will engender my explanation for my disfavor of the Big Three. Before I continue, Id comparable to clarify that I hold no animosity towards Jews as an ethnic group. Nor, for that matter, do I nurse any iniquity towards practitioners of Judaism. My attitude towards religion and the religious is an ironical reversal of the old Christian maxim hate the sin, do it the sinner. Jews hav e through wonderfully in reforming their religion to summate into a moderne world, but I have scan the Old Testament. I have deal the passages promoting slavery, genocide and the objectification of women. I have read the passages claiming that the earth is flat and square, and that pi is equal to three. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Serious thinkers can non read these passages and claim that they contain any moral, scientific or philosophic insight. For the time, Judaism was progressive. An example is how YHWH gives specific instructions on how much and in what manner one is to apply livestock. At the time, a incertitude that many asked was how much is enough? How giving of a sacrifice is required to pleas! e the gods? YHWH gave a decided answer. For the time, thats progress. Also, Judaism is not the worlds oldest religion, nor is it the worlds oldest monotheistic religion. many an(prenominal) indigenous religions predate Judaism, and the mantle of Oldest monotheistic Religion in the World goes to Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion that shares roots with Hinduism. Judaism actually...If you command to get a full essay, club it on our website:

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