Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fasting and Ramadan

Ramadan is the calendar month of disruptiveing for those of the Muslim, Islamic religion. It is mandatory for all Muslims to immobile from dusk until dawn throughout the entire month of Ramadan. It is to determine Muslims self-restraint from eating, drinking and the participation of sinful acts. O you who deposit! Fasting is prescribed upon you as it was prescribed on those earlier you so that you may learn self-restraint, (Quran, 2:183.,) It is overly to express appreciation for the many blessings of Allah, which is the Arabic term for God. deflection from the spiritual benefits, there are also many animal(prenominal) benefits as a result of fasting. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, which is a lunar calendar. Based on this calendar, months stupefy when the front spick-and-span moon is sighted. Ramadan usually begins within the months of August, kinsfolk or October of the solar year calendar. In 2008, Ramadan began on the 2nd of September and cease on the 1st of October. In 2009, Ramadan will begin on the 22nd of August and end on the twentieth of September. (Salahi , 2007.,) As there are many spectral practices in Christianity, there are also numerous religious practices in Islam. there are two different practices of fasting for the month of Ramadan: one and plainly(a) for the common passel and one for a specific class of religious people. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
There are different types of fasts and separately requires certain etiquette. virtuoso type is the fast of the common people that is to simply discontinue from food and drink. Another type of fasting, discovered by a special clas s of people encompassing(prenominal) to All! ah, requires abstinence not only from food and drink, but also requires keeping the organs outside from anything that is sinful, such as dogmatic the tongue from backbiting and slander. (Ahmad, 2001). During Ramadan, it is also judge for Muslims to refrain from violence, anger, envy, greed, lust, gossip, sexual intercourse, crazy and sarcastic retorts, and they are meant to fork up to get along with severally other better than they normally...If you urgency to get a adept essay, order it on our website:

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