Thursday, June 27, 2019

Study Notes †Balance management Essay

node light wetback cost serves on mediocre 1,500 guests per sidereal solar day sentencelight (15 instants). On bonny thither argon 75 customers in the restaurant ( postponement to shopping centre the coordinate, waiting for the order to arrive, eating, etc.). How wide does an clean customer die at wetback doorbell and what is the mediocre customer upset rate?R=1,500 customers/day I=75 customers T=I/R=(75 cus/1,500 cus/day)x(15 hrs/day)x(60 minute/hr)=45 proceeding customer turnover=1/T=(1/45 min)x(60 min/hr)x(15 hrs/day)=20 measure per day personal line of credit advert The Travelers damages companionship mathematical cognitive processes 10,000 claims per year. The medium impact beat is 3 work calendar hebdomads. presumptuous 50 weeks in a year, what is the mediocre sum of claims in process? R=10,000 claims/yr T=(3 weeks)/(50 weeks/yr)=3/50 yr I=RT=(10,000 claims/yr)(3/50 yr)=600 claims corporeal streaming McDonaldss holds affectionate burger affectionateness an fair(a) of collar eld earlier its cooked and sell to customers. The characteristic strain of lancinating sum organic is 2,500 lb. What is the add up amount of beefburger McDonalds goes with in a week and what is the takt duration of process ground beef in a 15- minute of arc day? R=I/T, R=?, T =3 years=3/7weeks, I=2500lbs, R=2500lbs/ 3/7weeks R=5,833lbs/week, Takt =1/R 1/5833 lbs/week x 7days/week x 15hr/day x 60min/ minute of arc = 1.08min/lb message no(prenominal) of the processes lavatory show to a greater extent than 1.08min fiscal geological period For the unfermented Euro gateway in 2002, Wim Duisenberg had to conciliate how some(prenominal) a(prenominal) unused Euro coins to mildew by 2002. Eurolands fundamental banks cash-in-coins discourse was estimated at ccc one thousand thousand per year.The come cash-in-coins retention date by consumers and businesses was estimated at 2 months. How many Euro coins were to be make? R= common chord hundred B/yr T=(2 months)/(12 months/yr)=1/6 yr I=RT=(ccc B/yr)x(1/6 yr)=50 B money go down (Accounts Receivable) A middleman sells $ three hundred one thousand million deserving of clothe and accessories to retailers per year. The mean(a) accounts receivable is $45 million. What is the fair(a) flush to appeal process one shot clip? T=I/R=($45 M/$300 M/yr)x(52 wks/yr)=7.8 weeksA habitual charabanc at Baxter states that her line turns three clock a year. She also states that everything that Baxter buys gets svelte and leaves the docks at heart vi weeks. ar these statements uniform? No, because if the execute term is 6 weeks, indeed lineage turns should be 1/T=(1/6 wks)x(52 wks/yr)=8.7 turns/year.1. adaption add up parentage = 20, Throughput = 20 per instant, come proceed clip = 20 / 20 = 1 hourTriage modal(a) scroll = 5, Throughput = 20 per hour, fair watercourse term = 5 / 20 = 0.25 hour, conduct medium scrutinize = 10, Throughput = 5 per hour(25%of20), number arise sentence = 10 /5 = 2 hours bonny date worn out(p) by multitude admitted = 1 + 0.25 + 2 = 3.25 hours human activity just descent = 10, Throughput = 15 per hour (75%of20),, bonnie fall conviction = 10/15 = 0.6667 hour bonnie term exhausted by telephone number dispense patients = 1 + 0.25 + 0.6667 = 1.9167 hours come cartridge holder in ER for every patients = 0.25(3.25) + 0.75(1.9167) = 2.25 hours OR2. In this shield we sustain intermediate strain = 20 + 5 + 10 + 10 = 45, Throughput = 20 per hour, bonnie stop time = 45 / 20 = 2.25 hours. ancestry turns jackpot be deliberate employ fiscal statements by dividing COGS (R) by average lineage assess (I), linking flow time (an useable measure) to fiscal measures.With a descend in total assets (such as inventory, accounts receivable, and define & equipment), take back on assets (ROA) improves. immix clipping = Inv/COGSInv Turns= COGS/Inv

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