Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Management Assignment Individual Report Research Paper

Management Assignment Individual Report - Research Paper ExampleThe confidential information government post such has ministries has been dominated by top military leaders. The military junta has been overseeing and breakling every aspect of the country ranging from the natural resources to stinting affairs of the country.A former military general and Prime minister in the previous regime Mr Thein Sein was elected as the chairman of Myanmar4. However since chairperson Thein Sein assumed office there is hope though minimal that the country is abandoning its dark past years of paranoid authoritarianism and poor economic way that has plunged the country into a den of poverty. Myanmar has been governed in secluded political environment5.President Thein Sein has showed interest in reviving the countrys economy and moving away(predicate) from erratic political leadership whereby he freed a large number of political prisoners and also decentralised various sectors of the economy which has been under state control for the past 50 decades6.Myanmar has no stable judiciary system presently and therefore earning fair ruling and justice in the court systems of Myanmar is a gong society. The country has no stable regulatory framework considering that most of the laws and regulations were inherited from the former colonial master-British and no significant changes has been made to amend the laws despite the changes in the economic environment7.In relation to investment a few amendments have been made to bring sanity into the business environment. However bribery and corruption is the order of the day as there are no effective laws to curb such unethical business practice.The long decades of military junta rule characterised by economic mismanagement and lack of comprehensive labour laws has seen Myanmar workers subjected to harsh working conditions, forced labour, poor remuneration and as well as child labour8.Since President Thein Sein took power he has managed to dec entralise the long-time held

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