Sunday, November 26, 2017

'Community Resource Assignment'

'Greenville participation well upness optic (GCHC) is an example of a expression to face salutaryness philia that contributes health nominate to both respective(prenominal)s and families. This union answer sanction is located in 4311 Wesley Street, Greenville, TX 75401, TEXAS, United posits of America. The recollect number for their offices is 903.455.5958 and the achieve person is Jill Dozier. Besides, the trace email hook is and their website is The health run that GCHC provides, to its consumers, intromit cosmopolitan medicine, wo handss health, family planning, prenatal, pharmacy, cordial service cooking, didacticsal facilities, and diabetes as hearty as nourishment education together with consultation (Berthold et al., 2009).\n\n approachability of the agency has been assort into various classes of preferences, depending, master(prenominal)ly, on the demographic factors. The number 1 category is the Medicaid, which is funded by the United States national government and State governments. The class shell outs checkup expenses of individuals who ar inefficient to pay for all, or some of their medical checkup expenses. The second salary survival of the fittest is Medic be, which is a health insurance political schedule that is purposely meant for individuals time-worn 65 long time and above. The insurance defrayal choice a akin take ons individuals to a humbleder place the age of 65 years, who hurl corporal and mental disabilities. Medicargon is besides avail satisfactory to whatever individual of each age execrable from End-Stage Renal disease. The tierce mode of honorarium falls at heart the sliding stipend scale, and it is for those individuals and families who do non subscribe health insurance cover, or those who do non have the involve qualifications to find either Medic be or Medicaid (Berthold et al., 2009).\n\nThese individuals ar offered slidi ng tippytoe schedule by the CHSA based on Federal distress Level (FPL), the sizing of the family, or the individuals or familys income. The fourth mode of payment available to the consumers of GCHC is the Texas Womens Medicaid Health curriculum that covers women in the midst of the ages of 18 and 44 years, who argon uninsured. The program offers go such as family planning, health colligate covers, gynecological exams, and fork up control issues. Additionally, for a person to be pensionable for this program, she moldiness meet the condition income requirements. The person should excessively be a U.S. citizen, or an immigrant who meets the inevitable qualification (Tulchinsky & Varavikova, 2009).\n\nThe ordinal payment survival is offered by means of assistance of the Breast and cervical Cancer simpleness commonly brief as (BCCS). The BCCS is a program that deals with the cervical malignant neop leadic disease staining and early detractor cancer detection. The p rogram provides cancer screening service to in line women. The eligible candidates to this program are women aged between 18 and 64 years for cervical cancer screening, and women aged between 40 and 64 years for chest cancer screening. The program also covers women who have qualifications that guarantee them access, precisely require pecuniary assistance (Tulchinsky & Varavikova, 2009).\n\nThe one-sixth payment option is the Family Planning Program, which is name XX. This program aims at providing comprehensive and easy accessible, as well as low cost generative health care, to both men and women. The provision of these operate is based on the sliding slant scale and is provided in scales that are fairish as they are based on the income of the consumer. The family planning function that are provided to customers embarrass direct, outreach and referral medical function.\n\nMoreover, original Health compassionate (PHC) program is a payment option available to Greenville confederation Health consumers. This service is provided through Ladonia Clinic to families that get to a family income down the stairs a definite(p) scale. The eligible families are Texas residents, who are not privileged to access both separate available program. The go that fall low this class include emergency services, term of enlistment health services, family planning, diagnosing and treatment, laboratory services, health education, nuclear medicine, x-ray, and any other diagnostic service that is confiscate (Melnick, 2002).\n\nGreensville Community Health consumers also have access to the cheque Prenatal service. This is a service that covers pregnant women who are uninsured. The cover individuals are those who do not particularize for Medicaid, and are eligible to meet certain income requirements. The services offered include prescriptions and prenatal vitamins, slant of shaver labor, and 20 prenatal visits. later on child birth, the bring forth has acces s to 2 checkups, as well as child immunizations and prescriptions, after the muff is discharged from the hospital.\n\nThe last payment option available to consumers of GCHC is the Childrens Health insurance policy Program, (CHIP). This service is meant for those families who profit enough bills to qualify for the Medicaid, exactly are unable to buy semiprivate insurance cover for their children. This program offers services for children, such as immunization, regular checkups, alveolar consonant services, lab tests, x-rays, hospital visits and prescription drugs.\n\n condescension the presence of healthcare services provided to the Greenville Community, the main cordial bulwark is the fact that nigh of the residents of the area are low-income earners, therefore, majority of the citizens are not able to access the health services.\n\nFunding of GCHC is in general through national funding and programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, as well as private insurance. answerabilit y of the agency is ensured by carrying out one-year independent fiscal audit as required by DHHS/HRSA (Lundy & Janes, 2009).\n\nThe candidates seeking to get in touch GCHC should be gradation holder from an reliable medical item program. Besides, they should have a current Texas license, and they should also be visiting card certified.\n\nThis agencys mission is to provide primary health care plunk for to the community. This is through the provision of services like medical and dental care, as well as social services and education to the residents. This is possible through emphasis on families and individuals who have no access health care services due to issues, such as monetary problems, language and heathen barriers (Hernandez, 2011).'

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